We had 7 vans in attendance for this rally which was also our AGM. In addition to the families rallying our founding Life Members Peter & Elaine and members Don & Pamela were with us this weekend.
An Indication of nicely groomed grounds
The Manawatu Caravan Club have lovely laid out grounds which are maintained to a high standard. They always make us feel welcome and offer us the use of their hall for our AGM and evening entertainment. If they have something on themselves we are invited to attend these as well. They have a great philosophy which can be summed up by the following plaque in the hall.
The AGM went off with out a hitch and the following members were elected:
President: Selwyn Fisk
Vice President: Derek Canvin
Sercretary: Cath Fisk
Treasurer: Val Solomon
Web Master: Robin Benton
Committee: Dianne Richmond, Barry Richmond
The usual events took place with the early arrivals have fish & chips from Mr Grumpys chippy and on Friday night a meal at the local bowling club, which are always well patronized. Jenny conducted a quizz on the Saturday night on Royalty which brought howls of derision from the non-royals amongst us. If nothing else it brought a lot of laughs and whiled away a good hour.
Sunday was to be a film night but due to an unfortunate event in the early hours of the morning, this was not to be so we amused ourselves, which we find very easy to achieve.
Lorraine had a very special birthday (congratulations Loraine) at around the time of the rally and she was congratulated by the President with a card.
Lorraine receiving her card
See you at the next rally which is at the Himatangi Holiday Park on 7-9 July 2017.
Please note that there is a change to the current Rally Schedule. The September Rally is now at the Wanganui Top 10 Holiday Park. See latest edition of the rally schedule sent out recently.